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How Best To Use Essential And Carrier Oils at Home
July 16, 2019
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Essential oils are the highly concentrated version of the natural oils in plants. While carrier oils are mainly oils extracted from the nuts, seeds or kernels of plants.
As they are fairly neutral, carrier oils compliment essential oils and are an excellent choice for diluting essential oils for skin and hair products such as massage oils, scrubs, salves, lotions and balms.
Popular carrier oils like coconut oil and olive oil are very beneficial for you but when you add an essential oil to them e.g. Lavender, Peppermint oil you can end up with an amazing blend of valuable proteins, vitamins, fatty acids and natural nutrients that hold immense benefit for your skin, hair and health.
For example:
Castor Oil + Watercress Oil = Excellent Hair Growth, Prevents Hair Loss.
Castor Oil + Bitter Almond Oil = Removes Wrinkles
Sesame Oil + Fenugreek Oil = Removes Foot Cracks
However, these oils maybe natural but they are still very powerful and allergic reactions may occur in some cases. So it's always best to try a little by doing a small skin patch test on your inner arm or leg (never your face or neck) to make sure you don't have an adverse reaction.
Court Forced To Close After Bird-bugs Was Seen Falling Off Lawyer's Suit
July 09, 2019
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Rogers County Court House in Oklahoma, USA was forced to close after a Lawyer arrived the court-house with excess Bird Bugs falling off his suit.
This incident happened on Monday after the blood-sucking insect overran the third-floor of the court-room.
‘Hard to imagine someone doesn’t know, you know, that some bed bugs are crawling all over them certainly in abundance,’ Rogers County Sheriff Scott Walton told the press.
According to Walton, someone else first saw the Bugs on the lawyer, and the person has been unnamed.
A courthouse user noticed them and said she could visibly see something crawling on his neck which was later found to be bed bugs,’ he said.
‘He had also placed his jacket over some file folders and when his jacket was moved bed bugs were discovered there.’
The head of the court-house security, Mike Clarke also noted that the lawyer who came in with Bird Bugs acted unnoticed and unconcerned about the Bed Bugs in his suit.
The Pest Control was called in and they succeeded in exterminating the Bugs.
‘(We) cleared the courtroom but we also had inmates in the courtroom which caused concern. So, at that time we evacuated everyone from the courtroom,’ Clark said.
‘We are certainly not happy with someone coming in that condition to inconvenience everyone else in that building.’
After the Incident was controlled, the court-house reopened on Tuesday Morning.
The identity of the Lawyer who brought in the Bed Bugs hasn’t been ascertained, but it was revealed that the lawyer did that to delay his case.
Failure To Find A Sexual Partner Now A Disability, Says WHO
July 05, 2019
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Have you read about the new WHO sexual disability guidelines?
It says: “It is either you have sex or you are considered disabled”
People who do not have sex or struggle to find a sexual partner to have children, will now be considered disabled.
According to the shocking reports, in the new guidelines the World Health Organization( WHO) is set to classify a person, who is unable to find a suitable sexual partner or achieve pregnancy after 12 months or more of regular unprotected sex, as disabled.
WHO (World Health Organization) is the directing and coordinating authority for health matters, shaping the health research agenda, setting norms and standards, articulating evidenced-based policy options, providing technical support to countries and monitoring and assessing health trends.
This shocking new development comes after new guidelines by the World Health Organization, which is set to be announced soon. Until now, not having an active sexual life or infertility was never considered a disability, but with this new move, all this is set to be changed.
The Lesbian Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) community is not left out of the study, as the new rule will cover heterosexual and gay couples, who will be given the same priority like couple seeking invitro-fertilization (IVF) because of fertility problems, the report said.
Many have called the new WHO guidelines absurd, nonsense and controversial even for putting infertility and IVF among the group.
More of this study will be revealed as events unfold.
What is your take on the new WHO sexual disability guidelines?
10 Foods That Will Boost Your Sexual Life As a Man
July 05, 2019
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Being able to get a rock hard erection is the dream of many men, especially men in their 40s and 50s. Most men do fine when it comes to having a good erection but sometimes things don’t go so well down there.
Sometimes you want to last just that little longer in bed and wish to have a long, sustained erection. If you’re struggling with getting or sustaining an erection then this article is all you need as it explains the science behind erection, foods for harder erections and some general tips as well.
If you don’t really want to use supplements or drugs for achieving solid healthy erections, then try some natural Viagra foods that are scientifically proven to help your erections. So here they are:
1. Pomegranates
Pomegranates have many benefits for men who want to achieve harder erections. Researchers from around the world are intrigued with the miraculous healing powers of this fruit.
The thing that makes pomegranates a beneficial food for erections is its influence on testosterone production. In addition, it also increases the nitric oxide production in the body and protects NO from other free radicals.
2. Spinach
Spinach truly is one of the best foods for harder erections for many reasons. Spinach has natural nitrates that convert into nitric oxide by the actions of the tongue and gut bacteria and nitric oxide is very important when it comes to erections. You can call spinach a natural steroid food because it is quite rich in phytoecdysteroids, like ecdysterone, which is beneficial for testosterone production.
Spinach is also high in ecdysterone that in one study gave better results than anabolic steroids. All the ecdysterone gathered into the body supports natural testosterone production and helps men achieve harder erections. Spinach also has a rich number of vitamins and minerals needed for nitric oxide and testosterone production.
3. Beets
Beets happen to be great for the heart, due to the fact they contain a massive amount of nitrates, which are compounds in the body that transform into nitric oxide.
The more nitrates you consume through food, the higher the nitric oxide that is released into your circulation, and thankfully, beets contain considerable amounts of nitrates. This is the reason that beets are one of the best foods for harder erections.
4. Porridge
A healthy diet and active lifestyle are the building blocks for great sex. Oats are good for you because they are good for your heart health, fill your belly and make you more energetic in bed.
They are packed full of soluble fiber that will help to clear cholesterol leaving blood vessels smooth and healthy, allowing blood to flow easily. Porridge comes under the list of top foods for achieving harder erections.
5. Garlic
It may make your breath stink a bit but it is an incredible sex food for men. Garlic functions as a nitric oxide booster and a potent NOS activator, which in turn increases blood flow to the joystick leading to harder erections.
Incorporating garlic in your diet has also been proven in human beings to be more powerful at decreasing blood pressure as compared to the majority of pharmaceutical options.
And as you can imagine this is beneficial for harder erections, because high blood pressure can be one of the root causes of Erectile dysfunction.
6. Saffron
Saffron helps in healing the aches and pains of your body. It can make the body more sensitive to touch and feelings. This is also helpful in increasing the libido in men and women.
Though a bit expensive, it is quite beneficial for erections and you should consider consuming it on a daily basis.
7. Whole Grains
It is easier to have a harder and powerful erection if you consume more good carbs. But understand that there are good carbs and bad carbs.
The kind of carbs you get from sweets, candies etc. are bad for health and you don’t need them.
But, the kinds you get from whole grains are good for your health and testosterone production too.
8. Bananas
People with harder erections have healthier hearts. So you should eat bananas to get the potassium in the body which is a great way to improve heart health and blood circulation.
Eating enough potassium will modulate sodium levels and stop them becoming too high and this, in turn, reduces the risks of heart problems.
9. Wine
You might be surprised to hear this but the truth is that wine helps in getting a harder erection. It is a great source of the antioxidant phytochemical resveratrol which opens the arteries by enhancing the production of nitric oxide.
Nitric oxide expands the blood vessels and this is how Viagra works. But the key here is moderation. Wine, especially the red wine, when taken in moderation causes harder erections. Excess wine, however, will actually cause a decline in erection strength.
10. Walnuts
Walnuts are another one of the powerful foods for erections because they are incredibly high in arginine which will convert to Nitric Oxide which is crucial for strong erections.
Other nuts also contain arginine but walnuts are the king when it comes to boosting the strength of erections.
Another great way to improve erections is to do some exercises that work the stomach area as the increased blood flow to this area which is close to the joystick will improve erections considerably.
Dealing with depression the right way
July 04, 2019
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While Major Depression Disorder (MDD)—often biochemically based and with genetic roots—can be extremely difficult to navigate and often requires psych meds, here is an encouraging statistic: within four to six weeks of starting treatment 80% of depression sufferers show improvement.
This doesn’t mean that there is a quick fix as in “Boom, you’re cured and will never again be beset by the blues.” However, there are techniques that can help lift the emotional paralysis and ruminating that often accompany depression. Both of which make it much more difficult for the patient to focus on implementing the behavioral changes necessary to prevent a relapse. Luckily, there are ways to punch holes in the curtain of unrelenting darkness.
Try These 5 Blues-Busters
#1. Take a different view. With depression often comes a psychological myopia: the sufferer robotically repeats to him or herself soul-sucking negative thoughts: “Nothing I try ever works out” “How could I have been so stupid?” “I am not worthy of being loved”. A patient deep in the throes of that kind of thinking can, if unchecked, spend an entire session staring at one spot—often the floor.
At those moments I prod, “You are so stuck on only seeing things one way that you miss any other possible view. Literally. If you force yourself to look up, there are a variety of objects in the room to observe and ponder—a bookcase; lamps: paintings; a window with sunlight streaming in… It’s not that my office is so fascinating, but there is so much you miss when you refuse to look.”
The patient then sheepishly lifts his or her eyes to take in the entirety of the room (“Oh, I never noticed that funny placard!”) as I hammer home the point: “There are a plethora of ways to view anything. Instead of continually convincing yourself everything is hopeless consider all the other options. There is always a Plan B.”
#2. Visualize a happy memory. When a patient continually revisits a painful memory (say, of a romantic rejection or failed business enterprise), it can tip him or her into near emotional catatonia. I say, “Wait, before you ‘go down the rabbit hole’ and all the dark feelings overwhelm you, close your eyes and go to a happy memory.”
*Paul remembered, “When I graduated from college, looked out at the audience and saw my family looking so proud, I felt amazing and powerful.” I said, “Great, go there. Let’s relive that wonderful experience.” As he described details from that lovely day (his mother’s periwinkle blue dress; standing on the stage holding his diploma…) his posture went from slumped over to peacock proud. He actually smiled.
I suggested, “The moment you feel yourself sliding back to an awful memory that takes you under, take a breath and instantly conjure up graduation day. Counter the gloom with an immediate dose of positivity!”
#3. Tell Me Something Good. A depressed person has earned a PhD in The Art and Science of Self-Hatred. When I ask, “How do you see yourself?” I get answers like: “I’m boring.” “I’m a coward.” “I’m ugly.” “I’m not smart.” To the speaker, these sentiments are absolute truths; his or her sense of identity, a soul-less place to live that is familiar, thus offering a ‘comfortable discomfort’, with no exit door. As long as these annihilating beliefs rule your self-image, nothing good can break through.
When I ask, “Tell me good qualities about yourself,” I am initially greeted by silence. Then I hear a halting, “I’m kind” or “I’m caring.” If the patient gets stuck, I help out: “You’re a loving mother.” “You are a survivor.” “You are a nurturer” “You are super considerate.” “You are reliable”…
As we construct a list, I ask the patient to write down the wonderful attributes and keep repeating them when the ‘toxic wheel of self-hating talk’ begins. I suggest asking friends and family members to email a list of positive qualities they value in my patient.
The next step will be “to compile, print out the list and carry it in your wallet like a talisman.” For extra inoculation against the constant negativity, I suggest the patient write positive qualities on post-its and sprinkle them around the house: stick “I have gorgeous eyes” on the bathroom vanity, place “I’m reliable” on the refrigerator and so on…
You are what you ‘feed’ yourself spiritually speaking. Exchange the “everything I hate about myself” mantra to “all the qualities that make me a special, unique, lovable person.”
#4. Make Plans. When a person is depressed the only place he or she wants to be is in bed, preferably under the covers with the shades drawn. Lifting up the phone to hear a friendly voice, much less having plans outside the bare minimum (work, school, grocery store) feels way too difficult.
The Internet has made it dangerously seductive to keep to oneself. Studies show that limiting social mediato approximately 30 minutes a day decreases depression.
I tell patients, “It’s a catch-22 that when you are depressed the last thing you feel like doing is getting out of the house. But it’s essential to make the effort to take a shower, get dressed, take a walk, go to the gym, and socialize.”
For months I would ask *Gina near the end of our Saturday afternoon session: “What are you doing after you leave here?” Gina, who lived alone invariably mumbled, “I’m going home to do laundry.” I started ordering her to have something specific planned post-session. She began joining meet-ups (“Wow, ballroom dancing is kind of fun!”), visiting the botanical garden, baking cookies with her sister…
The more she ventured outside her four walls, the more her mood lifted.
#5. Find Something to Look Forward To. This is a technique I routinely use as an anti-blues vaccination. (I’ve shared that I suffer from High Functioning Depression.) When I’m down I search for something to put on the calendar that makes me happy and excited. Indeed, this 2007 study showed that people get an emotional lift when they contemplate a future fun event, versus looking back on a fabulous activity from the past.
Book a trip, buy concert tickets, plan a party—whatever brings a flush to your cheeks and rumble of joy to your belly. My biggest mood-turnarounds arise when I begin a project that can potentially create some good in the world and lead to fulfilling connections. For example, I’ve volunteered as a mentor to underserved young women who want to write https://www.girlswritenow.org, sought publishing contracts to write a book http://howdoesthatmakeyoufeelbook.com, taught workshops, submitted a video to do a TedX talk (haven’t heard back on that one yet!).
The point is: stop continually telling yourself nothing good will ever again happen—you’ve been there, seen that, done that. Instead, create something as Carly Simon sings that can bring you Anticipation.
What you should know about Premature ejaculation
July 04, 2019
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Premature ejaculation is a form of sexual dysfunction that can adversely affect the quality of a man's sex life. It is when an orgasm or "climax" occurs sooner than wanted.
There may occasionally be complication with reproduction, but premature ejaculation (PE) can also adversely affect sexual satisfaction, both for men and their partners.
In recent years, the recognition and understanding of male sexual dysfunction has improved, and there is a better understanding of the problems that can result from it.
The information here aims to demystify the causes of PE and outline effective treatment options.
Fast facts on premature ejaculation
Here are some key points about premature ejaculation.
- In the majority of cases, an inability to control ejaculation is rarely due to a medical condition, although doctors will need to rule this out.
- PE can lead to secondary symptoms such as distress, embarrassment, anxiety, and depression.
- Treatment options range from reassurance from a doctor that the problem might improve in time, through to home methods of "training" the timing of ejaculation.
CPR: What is cardiopulmonary resuscitation
July 04, 2019
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CPR stands for cardiopulmonary resuscitation. It’s a life saving medical procedure which is given to someone who is in cardiac arrest. It helps to pump blood around the person's body when their heart can’t.
To carry out CPR a person presses up and down on the casualty’s chest (chest compressions) and gives them a series of rescue breaths to help save their life when they are in cardiac arrest.
What is a cardiac arrest?
A cardiac arrest is caused by an electrical problem in the heart. This electrical problem causes the heart to stop pumping blood around the body and to the brain.
It causes the person to fall unconscious and stop breathing. Without CPR the person will die within minutes.
CPR should only be used if someone is:
- unconscious and not breathing
- unconscious and not breathing normally.
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- How Best To Use Essential And Carrier Oils at Home
- Court Forced To Close After Bird-bugs Was Seen Fal...
- Failure To Find A Sexual Partner Now A Disability,...
- 10 Foods That Will Boost Your Sexual Life As a Man
- Dealing with depression the right way
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